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Six Types of poker players you bump into at #PokerClubs in #Delhi!
Delhi leads the way when it comes to anything fancy and
happening! Poker game in
India sure has a lot of oomph attached to it. But glamour aside, it
requires a lot of hard work and skills to play the game right. It is as much
about body language, mind reading and right attitude, as it is about the
technique. So, it’s a game that involves the actual moves on the table and also
the behind-the-scenes mental moves and thoughts of the players! Hence you need
to possess the skill to read the minds of your opponents. The players
themselves will try to prevent you from doing so, by donning masks which you
will need to peel off!
Talking of Delhi and its love for Poker, here are 7 types of
poker players you are likely to bump into at a poker club there. And mind you,
these are not just fancy categorizations. These terms really do exist in poker
1. Calling
Not a title in good sentiment! These are players who keep
calling bets, but will almost never raise. They keep chasing their draws and
win only if/when their hand hits what they are drawing . Many a time, this gets
to their ego and they get overconfident about themselves. Now you simply need
to learn to how to overpower them!
Here is the diametrically opposite partner of the above –
one who sits like a lousy rock and refuses to show the guts to take risks. Only
the best hands will entice him to play on. Even then, he/she is hardly visible,
and is distinguishable by the top order cards that he/she always plays. Plan
your every move with caution, when facing a Nit.
3. Newbie
What a weird one… He/She is someone who may have the zeal,
but no experience about the game; or the ‘Noob type’ who is mostly not willing
to experiment to get a handle of the game! Both are exasperating opponents, but
you can outsmart them.
4. The Maniac
Aptly so, because they are hyperactive and will not let a
hand go by. Raising repeatedly is their typical characteristic. Not in their
senses due to a high dose of alcohol, adrenaline or both!
5. ABC Poker
The ones that think they are most ‘educated’ and play
straight by the standard rules. Very predictable and their moves can be
guessed. Aggression can easily intimidate them and often used by others for
their own benefit!
6. The Coffee
A bit of a master at deception, here is a player who will
look for ways to lead you astray. Be wary of such players and make your own
7. Sharks
Predators of the game, sharks are well-versed will all
facets of the game, so are best equipped to try and turn the game to their
advantage and accommodate all kinds of opponents in their own plans! It is very
tough to crack what’s going on in their mind, since they may actually lead you
on to think exactly what they want to portray… not the truth!
So, log into the biggest poker site of India
– xyz – for a shot at online poker. It’ll certainly be fun
figuring out which of the aforementioned categories your opponent falls into!…
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